Zeor Barber innovated once again and was the first of the Alto Vale do Itajaí to have an Own Application and went ahead following the trends of the Mobile market.
This application was developed for our customers, so we get a closer become increasingly strong ties to our community. It contains part of our history and everyone who helped to build it.
This new tool as well as approaching the client has the greater task of facilitating the daily lives of its members, for this we have:
* SCHEDULE SERVICE: where users can schedule in advance where are our services.
* OUR SERVICES: a tab that shows all of our services performed in a simple and objective way.
* PRODUCT CATALOG: high quality differentiated products that will treat your hair and beard as the needs of each one, leaving you more beautiful.
* CONTACTS: you several ways to communicate through the application such as social networking, phone, e-mail, among others.
* GPS: With this service even easier to visit us, it directs by GPS giving the exact location where you will be always welcome.
That's it, I hope you enjoy our application which has been developed with great care for you.
Zeor Barbearia