The Association of German Private School Associations e. V. represents independent educational institutions that are active in early childhood, general and vocational education, adult education, labor market services and further education as well as in the tertiary sector. The app provides VDP member institutions with relevant information on the thematic priorities of general education, vocational training, labor market services and language training, international affairs and healthcare professions. You will also find information about various VDP events in the app.
Danke, dass ihr unsere App verwendet. Hinter den Kulissen arbeiten wir weiter daran, die App noch besser zu machen.
Aktuelle Verbesserungen, Erweiterungen:
- Mehrere Titelbilder für Beiträge und Veranstaltungen
- Dark Mode Support
- Design-Einstellungen werden bei App-Start live vom Server abgerufen (kein Update der App mehr erforderlich)
- Kontextmenü für Bilder zum Teilen
- Optimierung der Performance
- Oberflächenkosmetik