System for controlling sales and issuing NFC-e, optimized for micro and small companies.
Here are some highlights of the app:
NFC-e in offline contingency
Keep selling, even offline, and stream your notes as soon as you reconnect.
Automatic product registration
Just scan the barcode to consult an online server with thousands of products and constantly being updated.
Vouchers and impressions
Connection with bluetooth printers for printing receipts and reports.
versatile and practical
Use on mobile or tablet, in the orientation you prefer.
Receipt methods
Offer payment method in cash, credit card, installment plan and Pix.
Connectivity with your equipment
By connecting equipment such as a keyboard and a barcode reader, you build a compact and practical POS
Delivery Control
Progress control, order conference printing and option to inform delivery fee.
Full integration with the iFood delivery platform.
To learn more about features and updates, see the "Version history" within the app.
- Adicionado o recebimento de pagamentos via PIX no POS da Cielo.
- Adicionada a opção "Produção Própria" na aba Fiscal da tela de cadastro de produtos.
- Correção na sincronização do cloud, onde em alguns casos, dois ou mais dispositivos eram identificados como sendo o mesmo na sincronização.
- Correção ao transmitir NF-e no estado da Bahia. Erro: "Rejeição 776 - Rejeição: Solicitada resposta síncrona para UF que não disponibiliza este atendimento".