Always one click faster: The new, free app from delivers all the latest headlines and fascinating stories from Berchtesgadener Land, Bavaria and the world directly to your smartphone or tablet.
Looking for exciting news from your area? Do you want to be informed about global developments? The BGLand24 app offers you the latest reports, videos, photos, exciting events and the latest information from your area - so you always stay up to date!
Don't you always have your smartphone at hand? Don't worry: just activate push notifications and you'll always receive the most important messages in a timely manner. In addition, the app's bookmark function allows you to save exciting articles to a watch list and easily find them later without wasting time searching.
Sharing and discussing news is what makes it really interesting. With the BGLand24 app you can easily share articles with friends and you can exchange ideas with other users about current topics in the comments section - become part of our community!
A special treat: Get the latest news directly on your home screen with the new home screen widgets!
In the BGLand24 app you can expect articles on the following topics, among others:
Berchtesgadener Land
Politics regionally and nationally
Shot in the leg
Winter sports
Celebrity News
Net stories
Hiking tips
Lots of service topics such as finances, nutrition, health…
Hier ist unsere neue App von
Wir haben die App komplett generalüberholt, um Dir ein besseres Nutzungserlebnis auf Smartphones und Tablets zu ermöglichen. Dafür haben wir den Aufbau und das Design der App überarbeitet und mit Funktionen ausgestattet, die Dich stets auf dem Laufenden halten. Push-Benachrichtigungen, Deine eigene Merkliste oder Widgets für Deinen Homescreen - Du entscheidest, wie Du informiert werden möchtest.
Viel Spaß!