Welcome to the Keep The Earth Fresh app for litter tracking and viewing. Report liter by drawing the affected area on the map and rating how littered it is. The data you and other citizens submit forms as a heat map which you can view on our litter map, to see where the highly polluted areas are! Red zones represent very littered areas whereas blue represents clean space. Get the app today and revolutionize the way we report, manage, target, and understand litter debris! Draw the area on the map that you want to report using our draw tool and then rate that on a scale of 1-10 how littered that area was, with 1 being a pristine environment and 10 being (almost) entirely covered in litter! Once you finish rating, simply submit and we will do the rest! You can view on our central litter map where the highly polluted areas are! Red zones represent very littered areas whereas blue represents clean space! This map is generated using all the data you and other citizens send us, so you can select how far back you view data from!
-Fixed Internal Bugs
Now, you can enhance your experience by logging in, creating cleanups, and joining existing ones! Participate in the cleanup efforts and make a tangible impact on our environment. Together, we can revolutionize the way we report, manage, target, and comprehend litter debris.