Electricity price: Get updated electricity prices from various sources in Denmark and save money on your electricity bill.
This app is independent and does not represent ENERGINET or other government agencies.
- See current electricity prices for different areas in Denmark.
- Compare electricity prices for the day and find the best time to use electricity.
- Find tips to save money on your electricity bill and reduce your CO2 footprint.
ENERGINET - https://www.energidataservice.dk/
- Get a quick overview of the electricity market in Denmark.
- Make informed decisions about your electricity supply.
- Contribution to a more sustainable energy future.
Download the Electricity Price app today and take control of your electricity bill!
The app is based on publicly available data and therefore cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
Electricity prices can change quickly and the app cannot provide real-time monitoring.
We hope you find the Electricity Price app useful and informative.
If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.
* Fejlrettelser, og forbedret ydeevne.