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You need TELE SPORTS to install .XAPK File.

새로운 기능 3.8.20

Mega Summer 2023 Update!!

Tons of new Locations!
- The Treasure cove! Dive to piles of coins and treasures!
- The Ball Ocean! Dive to a sea of plastic balls!
- Dive from the Giant Oil Rig!
- Inflatable water bouncer diving!
- Worn out town
- Factory staircase
- The Mall Statue
- Dive to a Ditch
- Old hotel ruins!
- Worn out Village
- Oceandump bulldozer dive!
- Superhigh Cliffside!

New Character:
- The AI Robot Diver!

By Popular demand:
- New Death Dive Trick!

- Bug fixes & upgrades

이전 버전


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