घर खेल ऐप्स सामग्री
 >  खेल  >  खेल  >  Flip Diving

डाउनलोड apk ...

पुनः आरंभ करने के लिए क्लिक करें
You need TELE SPORTS to install .XAPK File.

इसमें नया क्या है 3.6.60

Mega Summer 2023 Update!!

Tons of new Locations!
- The Treasure cove! Dive to piles of coins and treasures!
- The Ball Ocean! Dive to a sea of plastic balls!
- Dive from the Giant Oil Rig!
- Inflatable water bouncer diving!
- Worn out town
- Factory staircase
- The Mall Statue
- Dive to a Ditch
- Old hotel ruins!
- Worn out Village
- Oceandump bulldozer dive!
- Superhigh Cliffside!

New Character:
- The AI Robot Diver!

By Popular demand:
- New Death Dive Trick!

- Bug fixes & upgrades

पिछला संस्करण

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