节拍器具有高度的音乐节奏再现精度。数字节拍器可以直观地显示音乐的节奏。我们的应用程序是数字节拍器的移动版本。该应用程序采用现代风格设计。该应用程序采用现代风格设计 - Material Design
- 设定音乐的速度
- 范围为每分钟20至300次(BPM)
- 设定指定数量的音乐节拍
- 声音选择
- 音量控制
- 保存当前设置
- 现代设计 - Material Design
- 在明暗主题之间切换
Electronic Metronome is a device that produces an audible click or other sound at a regular interval (tempo) that can be set by the user. Used by musicians as a simulator to train the feeling of rhythm. It is used when playing music on musical instruments: guitar, violin, drum, piano, synthesizer and others.
Metronomes have high accuracy of musical rhythm reproduction. Digital metronome has a visual representation of tempo, rhythm, strong and weak beats. Our application is a mobile version of a digital metronome. The application is designed in modern style - Material Design.